Little Mag's had a pretty good first Christmas. Santa and her grandparents made sure she was completely spoiled.
Here's Maggie looking at her loot, with Mr. Stinky looking on (Stinky has no idea that this isn't going to be a good day for him...)

Her grandma & grandpa sent her a new collar and some yummy treats from Florida. Her grandma Lela got her some Bully Sticks and a new ornament.

Here's Maggie with her gifts from Santa - a new Kong, a new winter collar/leash, and a new toy - now dubbed Lambchop. We'll get to Lambchop in the next post.

Later, after opening gifts, we hosted Christmas day. We had about 25 guests over, which is about double the number Maggie has ever seen in our house. She handled it all well - staying put in her little den in the corner.
She had some cuddly company in Finnegan - the new puppy Kat's cousins Tim & Sue picked up that morning. Finnegan was adorable and possibly slept more than Maggie did that day - and he took care of his business outside all day without a single accident. For the most part they didn't really interact much with each other - besides trying to eat each other's food. Finnegan is probably looking for livelier company and Mags was more or less indifferent which is kind of her default mood.

Kat & I exchanged ornaments - and Maggie just happened to get each of us an ornament too. You'll notice there was somewhat of a theme in this year's gifts.