Maggie again refused any food, water or treats put in front of her. We then put her bowls in the kitchen, which is about 15' away from were she chose to lay all day - directly up against our back door. Our assumption was that we showed the food to her, and she found the water the day before, so if she were hungry or thirsty she would go to it.
Finally around 11am we decided to try another treat. To our surprise, she ate it!
Around 2pm we decided to try bringing the water to her, in case she didn't think it was OK to go get it or was just plain too afraid. Again to our surprise, she drank the water - all of it. We got her a second bowl of water and she drank all of that too. We put the food in front of her and she ate about half of the bowl. An hour or so later she at the remaining half. We also started giving her different treats and she ate all of them.
At least at this point we knew she was eating and drinking so we felt a lot better about her situation and that she was feeling better and at least trusting us to take these things.
She had no problems letting us pet her, but she always was giving us a look like she wasn't quite sure about us. But we're sure about her, so we know she'll come around in time.
We walked her a few more times in the back yard. She finally went #1 in the yard, when out with Kat. We've never been so excited to see a dog pee before.
Whenever we tried to get her to move either around the house or to go outside, she dug in like a cat. Spreading her claws, locking her legs, and refusing to budge. We've done a lot of carrying around our 50lb dog.
At night she walked right in her crate. She didn't seem to really sleep all day or much of the night before so we were hopeful she would sleep tonight. Not so. At 3am she started a new thing of shaking her head (with her snout as the axis, flapping her ears) and scratching vigourously. She also was intently licking and scratching her legs. I Googled this behavior and it either indicated mites, an infection or a food allergy. We were immediately concerned it was the latter, since we'd just fed her about 15 different things that day. We were already planning on calling a vet Monday so we figured we'd ask about it then...
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