Tuesday, March 4, 2008

We think everything Maggie does is adorable, and as each of you meet her we know you'll think the same - - or we'll cease all ties with you ;-) No, seriously.

In this blog I thought I'd share some Maggie-isms . . .

- Maggie likes to nap with one ear in her water bowl. It weirds us out, but considering the conditions she came from it's probably a step up for her. It's pretty funny when she wakes up in a sleepy-haze with one ear soaking wet.

- Maggie doesn't like the mean dog that is often tied up outside of Starbucks. Steve and I don't like the owners of the mean dog that is often tied up outside of Starbucks.

- In general, Maggie doesn't like ill-behaved dogs. She's watches "The Dog Whisperer" with a disgusted look on her face.

- Everywhere we go someone wants to correct us about Maggie's breed. She's a Labradoodle. She's not a Wolfhound (people - they're like 10 feet tall). She's not part Terrier. She's not XYZ. The Labs and the Poodles were also rescued from the puppy mill (our friends adopted the Labs). It doesn't really matter what she is, she's adorable in our book.

- Maggie's not a morning dog. She prefers the weekend when she can sleep in. We find ourselves laying in bed on Saturday and Sunday mornings waiting for Maggie to wake up. Since she's a light sleeper we've developed hand signals to communicate things like, "Don't breathe so loud or you'll wake her up!"

- She clearly likes yoga and is the queen of Downward-Facing-Dog.

- Maggie likes to be brushed, but does not like to have the "sleep" under her eye removed.

- Maggie is her cutest when she brushes her own hair with her front paws. It looks like she stuck her tail in an outlet.

- Maggie loves her sleep. Maybe a little too much (and for those of you who know how much I love to sleep you know that is a bold statement from me). Yesterday she nodded off while eating her breakfast and her head landed in her bowl. We're not sure how much she sleeps during the night (her clock may be reversed). She didn't sleep much when we first adopted her, but now she really stretches out and sleeps - - a lot.

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