We just got home from Maggie's first "play-date" with George. George, as we mentioned on Saturday, was rescued from the same puppy mill as Maggie. George was awesome - he looks very much like Maggie (he was just groomed yesterday, so he's actually clean and trimmed - unlike our currently shaggy pooch). George was definitely not shy with the other dogs, and didn't care if a dog was 5 lbs or 70 lbs before engaging in play. If Maggie were eventually even 1/4 as playful as George, we'd be ecstatic.

They seemed to take to each other - Maggie certainly gave George much more sniff time than the other dogs. Later in the evening they both laid down together which Maggie doesn't do and they just seeemed comfortable with each other.
It was interesting to see how similar they were in some ways and very different in others. Apparently George also 'prances' on the leash, and he has very much of the same 'little person look'. Behavior-wise though, Maggie is a lot more timid and reserved.

George's parents, Carla and Justin, were really nice. They've had George going to doggie daycare twice a week and have had him in obedience training. They said he's come a long way since starting both of those activities. George even picked up a ball at the park today from another dog, which was a big step for him. We've held off on daycare up to this point thinking it would be a waste if Maggie is just going to sit in the corner and watch the other dogs, but now we're reconsidering. Carla & Justin said that's how George started off in day care, and now look at him, so we should give it a shot.

It was also nice to meet people who love to talk about their dog as much as we do, and convince us that we're not ridiculously obsessed or crazy (now, now, everyone keep your comments to yourselves). Hopefully we'll be getting back together soon!
Maggie didn't actually play at the park - as usual - she just supervised. But as I type this, she is completely passed out on her bed. Watching the other dogs play really tuckers her out.
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