Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Birthday!

It's Maggie's 5th birthday (2nd year with us)! Today, well, we got a lot of snow so we didn't take her to "school". After work though we took her over to a nearby park and let her run in the snow. She loooves the snow - at least she loves the snow when it's coming down and she can run in it - she loves it less when it's a foot high and she has no where to poop.

We got her a jumbo "Happy Birthday" cookie from Kriser's. These cookies, from "Lazy Bones" are her new favorite treat, she goes crazy for them.

Looking back at last year's birthday blog entry, I wrote, "Maggie has come a long way and hopefully a year from now we're writing about how much she's changed in '09. We can't wait for the weather to turn and get her back out to the beach and the parks."

She has changed so much, even just this past weekend (more on that later). She's so much more confident when we're outside, her tail is always up and often wagging, and she starts to have fun and play at parks right away instead of taking an hour to think about it. After days at "school" she literally will drag us around the block at a dead sprint she's so jacked up.

This weekend we took her to the park, which was a little muddier than we expected since the sun was out and had melted the snow/ice. She was running around like a crazy girl and then grabbed a stick with her mouth and started running around with it. Then she'd drop it, go back and get it, toss her head around with it, flip it in the air - all like, well, a normal dog. Sometimes when she'd drop it we'd pick it up, toss it back in her general direction and she'd pick it back up and start her sprints again. She has never picked up anything like that or run around with anything in her mouth. She was so excited that she'd just discovered this new ability. Maybe she was too excited. No joke, she could barely walk for 2 days because she was so sore from running her butt off around the park with that stick.

Maybe the best compliment we've gotten and the biggest indicator of how much Maggie has changed is that on two occassions over the past two months, we've been asked "Is she a puppy?". We always used to get, "What's wrong with your dog?" or "What's your dog's story?". It's just so great to see her start to become a normal dog and discover her "dog powers", she really has a playful spirit that makes us laugh every day.

Of course, the last sentence of last year's blog, "We can't wait for the weather to turn and get her back out to the beach and the parks" will always be true. She loves the snow but we all would rather run on the beach!

We can't wait to see how much our girl changes and grows in 2010 - and we can't wait to take her to the beach!


Carla, Justin & George said...

yay Magster!! That's so great about the stick! I seriously cannot wait until the next time we see her so we can see how much she's changed. So happy for all of you!

lkfbruins2 said...

Happy birthday, Maggie. You found some great parents!