Saturday, March 1, 2008

MY tail is between MY legs.

Just two days ago I called my sweet Maggie a faker and a diva. I take it back. Maggie has mastered the deck stairs (all five of them!). Up and down, up and down, up and down. It's exhausting to watch. She's on her own agenda when it comes to the stairs - - she won't go down or come up when we ask (and we ask VERY politely). It's another sign of progress and it gives us hope that one day she'll walk down the steps in the house. Our backs hope that day is soon.

Today was a fun day for Maggie. After her breakfast we went to Kriser's to get her nails trimmed (Jacqueline did a wonderful job!), and to pick out some more treats. Maggie was a big hit with the staff and other customers at Kriser's. We literally had to fend off one woman who kept asking how she could adopt Maggie. Exhausted by her fan-base, Maggie needed a nap before a walk to Blockbuster to return "Gone Baby Gone". Maggie gives this movie TWO PAWS UP. After her walk Maggie needed another nap. She just finished her dinner and she's already taking another nap. Maggie has a tough life - - Breakfast, a nap, a pedicure, some shopping, another nap, a light work-out, a nap, dinner, a nap. Raise your hand if you want to be Maggie in your next life ;-)

Tonight we're going out to dinner and will be leaving Maggie in the family room / kitchen area to see how she does. If you're putting money down in Vegas the safe bet is that she never gets off her bed the entire time we're gone. If anything else happens you can count on us mentioning it in the blog.

So, today is my 35th birthday. Today also marks three weeks since we adopted Maggie. I am really looking forward to this year and to watching Maggie come out of her shell. Just her being here has made this day special for me. She is truly a gift.

As many of you know I check my horoscope every year on my birthday. Here's what it says:

Today's Birthday (March 1). Your successes this year lead you to make new friends. You'll be running with a more experienced crowd. You're coming up with brilliant ideas, and they're interested.

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