Sunday, May 18, 2008

Unleash the hound!

We took Mags to the park again today. She watched her new friend Chip play with the tennis ball. We met Chip yesterday at the park - Chip is another F1 (50/50) labradoodle and is full of energy.

We did our usual run back and forth in the park. Keep in mind when we first started this a couple of weeks ago, Maggie would lag behind and eventually give a few gallops to catch up and that was it. Then she started about a week ago running with us a few times.

Well, today, Maggie outdid herself again. Not only was she running with us, but she was running ahead of us and all around us. She was, literally, running circles around us - skidding in the dirt, doing 360's, running between us, jumping all around. And she did this many, many times. This was the first time we were worn about before Maggie. She was having so much fun, and so energetic, we just kept running back and forth, back and forth.

So, while everyone else's dog will chase a ball, ours will only chase us. At least we'll be getting our exercise too...

We'll have to get a video of her running and playing in the park soon - you wouldn't recognize her! I can't express how great it is to see her coming out of her shell like this and having so much fun.

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